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Libera tu potencial

Mejoramos el rendimiento cognitivo, la inteligencia espacial y las habilidades técnicas de las personas.

Tranforma tu forma entrenar

Nuestra tecnología proporciona una ventaja competitiva, ayudando a desentrañar patrones y tendencias que conducen a una mejor preparación y desempeño en el terreno de juego

confían en nosotros

Metodología probada

Nuestros entrenamientos se fundamentan en Estímulos Cognitivos Atencionales.

Una formación 360° en habilidades técnicas, resistencia fisica y fortaleza mental.

0 X
0 %

Nuestra avanzada tecnología te permite maximizar tu potencial con precisión y seguridad. Diseñada para ofrecerte una experiencia superior, nuestros sistemas combinan lo mejor de la innovación y la ciencia para brindarte resultados sobresalientes.

Monitoreo en Tiempo Real

btén un seguimiento preciso de tu desempeño con datos en tiempo real, permitiéndote ajustar y mejorar tu técnica al instante.

Optimización Personalizada

Nuestra tecnología analiza tu progreso y adapta los entrenamientos a tus necesidades específicas, garantizando un desarrollo continuo y eficiente.

Cancha central

CI. 120a #6a-53 Usaquén - Bogotá



Evaluación y Diagnóstico Inicial

Identificamos áreas de mejora y establecemos un plan de acción personalizado basado en tus necesidades y objetivos específicos.

Entrenamiento Personalizado y Monitorización

Monitoreamos tu progreso en tiempo real, ajustando el plan según sea necesario para asegurar un desarrollo continuo y efectivo.

Verification and Updates

Implementamos ajustes precisos para ayudarte a alcanzar el “flow state”, logrando así un rendimiento máximo de manera constante.


Descubre lo que dicen de La Zona

Jacob Jones
Web Designer

I've been using Optix for my busines development needs for the past form year,to the and I must say it has to be been an absolute game changer. This software has completely transformed

Floyd Miles
Web Developer

I've been using Optix for my busines development needs for the past form year,to the and I must say it has to be been an absolute game changer. This software has completely transformed

Floyd Miles
Web Developer

I've been using Optix for my busines development needs for the past form year,to the and I must say it has to be been an absolute game changer. This software has completely transformed

Jacob Jones
Web Designer

I've been using Optix for my busines development needs for the past form year,to the and I must say it has to be been an absolute game changer. This software has completely transformed

Floyd Miles
Web Developer

I've been using Optix for my busines development needs for the past form year,to the and I must say it has to be been an absolute game changer. This software has completely transformed

Floyd Miles
Web Developer

I've been using Optix for my busines development needs for the past form year,to the and I must say it has to be been an absolute game changer. This software has completely transformed

Jacob Jones
Web Designer

I've been using Optix for my busines development needs for the past form year,to the and I must say it has to be been an absolute game changer. This software has completely transformed

Floyd Miles
Web Developer

I've been using Optix for my busines development needs for the past form year,to the and I must say it has to be been an absolute game changer. This software has completely transformed

Floyd Miles
Web Developer

I've been using Optix for my busines development needs for the past form year,to the and I must say it has to be been an absolute game changer. This software has completely transformed


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  • 1 User
  • 5GB Bandwidth
  • Whitelabelling
  • Limited Support



  • 10 User
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Whitelabelling
  • Advanced Stats



  • Unlimited User
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Whitelabelling
  • 24/7 Hours Support


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Unleashing the power of cutting edge software for rapid growth to the harnessing the potential of groundbreaking technology.

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Unleashing the power of cutting edge software for rapid growth to the harnessing the potential of groundbreaking technology.